Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Sub-Station at Saiha - ​ Dt. 1st Feb.2017 
List of Electrical Licensed Contractors (dt. 23th.Jan. 2018) 
Notice about Tariff Summary - 2018-2019 (Dt. 23th.Jan.2018) 
CORRIGENDUM - (Supply of 132kV double circuit transmission line tower) 
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Sub-Station at - ​ Dt. 21.12.2017
ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE STATUS - ​ 20 MW HFO based DG Thermal Power Plan at Bairabi - as on December 2016 - June 2017
Detail Estimate for provision of Service Connection
The Power & Electricity Department was created in the year 1975 with the Superintending Engineer under the State PWD till its separation in the early 1980. Before creating a circle, all the activities related to power development and its distribution within Mizoram were looked after by the Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB) till March, 1975. The Department attained its directorate level (full fledged) status in 1983 with the creation of Chief Engineer post. In 2008, the post of Engineer-in-Chief was created as the Head of the Department.
The Department is functioning as an integrated utility and responsible for generation, transmission, distribution and despatching of electric power supply within the state of Mizoram. It is also responsible for the promotion, development and maintenance of Power Distribution Network including provision of adequate and reliable power supply in Mizoram.
The per capita consumption of the state as per 2011 Census is 219 kWh and the Department is currently serving nearly 2 lakhs consumers under various categories. The total installed capacity of state owned generating system from SHP is 29.35MW and the capacity of Thermal Plant at Bairabi is 22.92 MW which is kept as standby supply.
The administrative head of the Department is the Secretary (Power) and the technical head of the Department is Engineer-in-Chief who was assisted by 4 numbers of Chief Engineer. At present, there are 9 Circles (including Electrical Inspectorate and ZEDA-Zoram Energy Development Agency), 20 Divisions and 51 Sub-Divisions.