Notice Inviting Tender
C O R R I G E N D U M for extension of Tender period
No. 996/1/17-E-in-C(PD)/9 : The Engineer-In-Chief, Power & Electricity Department invites sealed from eligible contractor for the following works
1. Tender No 3 of 2017-2018 : Construction of 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Sub-Station at P&E Complex, Saiha.
2. Tender No 4 of 2017-2018 : Construction of 33kV S/C line on D/C tower to connect new 33/11kV Sub-Station at Saiha.
3. Tender No 5 of 2017-2018 : Construction of Departmental building and switch yard fencing at P&E Complex, Saiha.
Details may be had from the office of the Engineer-in-Chief (P&E) till dt.23.11.2017, 1200 hrs. Tender bids will be received upto 1200 hrs on dt.24.11.2017 and will be opened at 1300hrs on the same date. For details, please visit
Power & Electricity Department
Mizoram: Aizawl
Please click the given below to download/view tender documents:
1. 33kV line tender
2. Sub-Station Tender
3. Building & Fencing
Click here to download all documents in on click - 
Page Created On: 6th Feb 18 1:05 PM
Updated On: 6th Feb 18, 1:05 PM